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Application Open Now!
Apply for the 2025 Summer Cohort!
The Survivor Apprentice Program is a stipend-based initiative created to empower survivors of human trafficking through comprehensive training and skill-building. By joining our 2025 Summer Cohort, you will be equipped to become a trainer and consultant in human trafficking awareness, to create meaningful change. We believe that dismantling economic and educational barriers is essential, and through this program, you’ll gain valuable tools, real-world opportunities, and a supportive community that honors your resilience. We invite you to apply and help shape a future free from trafficking.
Thank you all for attending this webinar, Honoring Asian Americans in Anti Human Trafficking! We are so grateful for your time and your hearts in learning more about how human trafficking and exploitation effects the Asian American community.
We had representatives from ECPAT-USA, National Center on Sexual Exploitation, United Nations Representatives, Sanctuary for Families, Pan Pacific South East Asia Women's Association, ACT United, United Against Slavery as well as international advocates from all over the world join us. We are humbled and know that because of this overwhelming response, we are already planning on launching more webinars to bring more attention on this issue.
Thank you Shandra Woworuntu, Anna Friendt and Jaimee Johnson for being our guests and collaborating on this important discussion.
Eden’s Farm has partnered with the Institute to Address Commercial Sexual Exploitation at Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. The CSE Institute equips policy-makers and the broader community with the skills and knowledge they need to improve the legal system’s response to commercial sexual exploitation, in order to support survivors and hold perpetrators accountable. The CSE Institute also provides direct legal services to survivors of sex trafficking through the Justice for Victims Fellowship. The Fellows assist criminalized survivors of sex trafficking with clearing their criminal record through the vacatur remedy.
The Importance of Anti Trafficking Collaboration in Pennsylvania
We recognize that collaboration between numerous sectors is crucial to anti-trafficking work. We are honored to have been able to host this webinar during National Slavery and Anti Trafficking Prevention Month.
Joined at the table were, Shea Rhodes Esq., Shandra Woworuntu, Sakinah Love, Sarah Homitsky MD., Elizabeth Ringler Jayanthan, Fina Spory, Jackeline Goldstein, and our founder Annalisa Gibbs.
Eden’s Farm has received the Victim, Survivor, Leader (VSL) Training by Rachel LLoyd, Founder and executive Director of GEMS GIRLS.

Eden’s Farm Emergency Covid Fund
When the shelter in place order hit because of Covid, we knew it meant we had to act. We knew that the survivors we were serving were going to be affected. We knew that exploitation increases in times of crisis. We knew we had to do something.
We immediately mobilized our resources and delivered emergency items to people who were in need. We sought for emergency assistance and applied for a the The Pittsburgh Foundation Emergency Action Fund. We were granted the fund and immediately went to work.
As the applications rolled in we were both happy to assist and also heartbroken from the information that was given.
What was most difficult to see was, of the qualifying applicants, 50% disclosed that they have been solicited or sexually exploited as a result of the pandemic.
Even though 100% of the grant went directly to assisting survivors, the needs are still great. Please consider donating so that we may continue to assist survivors of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.